Dr Christine Jones’ Phosphorus Paradox

Dr Christine Jones’ Phosphorus Paradox

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Unlocking Soil Phosphorus: Understanding the Phosphorus Paradox

In today’s video—and in this blog—we dive into how you can maximize the phosphorus available in your soil without adding more phosphorus. Inspired by Dr. Christine Jones’s groundbreaking work on the “Phosphorus Paradox,” this post outlines why traditional phosphorus fertilization is inefficient and how biological processes can be harnessed to unlock locked phosphorus in the soil.

But first, make sure to check out the video from our YouTube channel below.

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The Conventional Problem: Inefficiency and Lock-Up

When we apply phosphorus in its water-soluble form (such as superphosphate), only about 10–15% of the phosphorus is taken up by plants. The remaining 85–90% becomes “locked up” in the soil:

  • Chemical Lock-Up: In acidic soils, phosphorus reacts with aluminum, iron, and manganese; in basic soils (pH >7), it reacts with calcium. These reactions make phosphorus unavailable to plants.
  • Erosion Losses: Australian soils, for example, lose an estimated 5½ tonnes of top soil per hectare each year to erosion. For a soil with 10mg/kg of available P, this makes an estimated to lose of about 2.7kg/ha of total P. This is the equivalent of 30.6kg/ha of super or a $20/ha lose each year.  This not only depletes soil fertility but also contributes to waterway pollution.


Because phosphorus barely moves in soil, much of it remains inaccessible. This leads many farmers to believe they must continually apply more phosphorus—further fueling a cycle of inefficiency and environmental harm.

The Biological Side: Harnessing Nature’s Own Phosphorus Cycle

Dr. Christine Jones’s work introduces a new way of thinking about phosphorus: instead of relying solely on chemical inputs, we can use biological methods to unlock the phosphorus already present in our soils. Two key biological pathways are involved:

1. Symbiotic Relationships with Mycorrhizal Fungi

  • Extended Root Reach: When mycorrhizal fungi colonize plant roots, they effectively extend the root zone by up to 45 centimeters. This expanded network can access phosphorus from a greater volume of soil.
  • Enzyme Production: These fungi release enzymes called phosphatases, which help solubilize phosphorus that is otherwise locked up. They also secrete organic acids to improve phosphorus solubility.
  • Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: With the fungi’s help, plants receive phosphorus in a more readily available form, often as amino acids. This bypasses the energy-intensive process of converting inorganic forms like nitrate or ammonium into useful organic compounds.

2. Phosphorus-Solubilizing Bacteria

  • Feeding on Root Exudates: Plants continuously exude sugars (or “liquid carbon”) from their roots. This provides energy to phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria that live near or on the roots.
  • Microbial Partnerships: Not only do these bacteria fix phosphorus, but they also stimulate biological nitrogen fixation. This link between the phosphorus and nitrogen cycles is crucial for overall soil building.
  • Maintaining a Healthy Microbial Community: When water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers are applied in excess, the resulting phosphoric acid can “burn” soil microbes. This discourages the formation of beneficial microbial structures—like the protective “dreadlock” rhizosheaths around roots—thus reducing natural phosphorus solubilization.
Oats With Rhizosheath

Strategies for Maximizing Phosphorus Availability

Dr. Jones’s approach encourages a shift from heavy chemical inputs to practices that build and sustain a vibrant soil microbial community. Here are some actionable steps based on her insights:

1. Enhance Photosynthesis to Boost Root Exudation

  • Increase Plant Energy: Studies suggest that boosting photosynthesis can multiply root exudates by up to six times. More sugars mean more food for phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi.
  • Measure Plant Health: Tools such as a refractometer can help you measure Brix levels—a proxy for photosynthetic efficiency. Higher Brix values indicate that plants are producing more sugars to feed soil microbes.

2. Increase Plant Biodiversity

  • Diverse Cover Crops: Incorporate cover crops that represent at least four different functional groups (grasses, brassicas, broadleaves, and legumes). Greater diversity enhances quorum sensing among soil microbes, which in turn stimulates phosphatase production.
  • Intercropping: Use mixed-species systems to maintain a continuous supply of diverse root exudates throughout the growing season.

3. Use Biological Amendments

  • Inoculants and Biostimulants: Since many soils have lost up to 90% of their indigenous mycorrhizal populations, applying targeted inoculants can re-establish these critical relationships.
  • Organic Products: Consider using organic nitrogen sources (like fish hydrolysate or amino acid products) instead of purely water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers. Additionally, adding 5% fulvic or humic acid to water-soluble phosphorus sources can mitigate their harsh effects on soil microbes.

4. Monitor and Adjust with Soil Testing

  • Soil Testing: Regularly test both total and available phosphorus levels. This can help you estimate how much phosphorus is being locked up versus how much is available, guiding your management decisions.
  • Foliar Sprays: Where necessary, apply phosphorus as a foliar spray. This method bypasses the soil, delivering nutrients directly to the plant without disturbing the microbial community.


90 Years of FREE Phosphorus

If you’ve been applying super for the last 10 years, there’s a good chance you have over 90 years of total phosphorus in your soil PLUS the phosphorus from the parent material! That means you used 10% of the P in the initial year and the remaining 90% was fixed away.

Ready to Unlock Your Soil’s Phosphorus?

If this approach to managing phosphorus—by leveraging the natural power of soil microbes and plant diversity—sounds like the right fit for your farm, consider taking the next step. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to help you assess your soil’s health and develop a tailored plan to reduce inorganic inputs while boosting biological phosphorus availability.

Contact us today at info@agresol.com.au or visit our website to book your free consultation.

Learn more!

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