An Albrecht soil test is a soil analysis method based on the principles developed by Dr. William Albrecht, a pioneering soil scientist. This test evaluates soil fertility by focusing on the balance of cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the ratios of essential nutrients rather than just their absolute levels.
In addition to the Albrecht soil test, we measure a range of available nutrients and the total amount of nutrients (including currently unavailable) which assist in determining the potential stock pile of nutrients that could be available with improved soil microbiology. We can also assess naturally occurring deficiencies due to the geological nature of that soil.
Agresol can assist you in taking and interpreting Albrecht soil tests with totals and develop nutrition and microbial strategies to improve yields, quality and resistance to pest and disease.
Results includes:
Price: $184.80 + postage
To get started with an Albrecht soil test with totals email the team at or sign up for a FREE 30 Minute Consultation to see how you can use these soil tests on your farm.
Promotes Balanced Fertility:
Maintaining optimal cation ratios helps plants access essential nutrients efficiently, reducing the risk of deficiencies or toxicities.
Improves Soil Structure:
Correct calcium levels encourage flocculation (aggregation of soil particles), which enhances soil tilth, water infiltration, and root growth.
Increases Productivity:
Balanced soils typically lead to better plant growth, higher yields, and improved crop quality.
Reduces Input Costs:
By targeting specific imbalances, we can avoid unnecessary fertilizer applications, saving money and reducing environmental impact.